Last month, I visited a site about making money online and I found this site (please click the banner to register). This is not a pyramid or get rich scheme but just a "Paid to Click" site.
How it works
Each day, you have to click a link from this site.
For each main link clicked, you will be credited with $0.01. (This is in USD not RM)
Each day you will given 4 main links.
Sound like a small amount but if $0.04/day, in a month you'll get $1.20x3.30=RM3.96
If you still think this is not enough for easy money, wait till 30 days or after 100 click and you have an option to rent some referral.
Depending on the referral package, you will get a few cents for each of your referral clicked link.
So, each month, you can easily get more than $2.00.
EDIT: After you bought referral, your daily click increase to 5/day.
How to register
Just click the Neobux banner above and follow the instruction.
Well, the total amount is not that big enough but I already saw someone get $0.75/day. That more than $20/month or RM60/month. I know that also cost a lot of referral but better than nothing.
The best thing about this PTC, after you click a link and a new page open, you can surf to other page to wait the advertisement loaded. So far, I just aim to get $2/month so i can buy some games from ovi store :) .
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